Friday, June 17, 2011

Mmm, Cake

Here are the pictures for my Drawing Concepts 2: Public Art assignment. We had to create a piece of art and display it in public.  What I wanted to do was use inedible materials to make something look really delicious (and yet maintain that it is obviously NOT edible). So I made this cake and ran around South Pasadena setting the cake on tables and then snapping photos as quickly as possible before the waiters could really see what I was doing. 

Public's reaction? A lot of people gave it kind of weird glances, some people ran up to take a closer look and then scoffed at me, "It's not REAL." Others laughed about it and called their friends over ("Look, man, it's cake!"). And some people just didn't notice at all.

I made the piece completely out of wood scraps because it's really important to me to not be wasteful with materials. You guys know me, I don't like to waste paint, I use scraps of paper in my sketchbooks and illustrations, I keep ALL my brushes no matter how grody they get, and recently I've been into upcycled fabric and wood scrap. I like the challenge it presents to make something cool out of the limited material.

I made the cake slice with stained plywood and MDF pieces and for the chocolate shavings I stained wood shavings and glued them on. I used wooden dowels for little wafer cake thingies and carved the almond from MDF. Pretty cool, right? :D

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